The Big Bike

The Big Bike
Duane and I at the top of Emmigration Canyon, UT

Sunday, June 27, 2010

My first ride is over!

It has been nine days on the motorcycle--and five of those I was driving my own! I'm still not sure how I got out of town. Duane tells me NOW he expected me to back out at the beginning, especially since I had not been on my bike in almost a week (I had lots of excuses not to practice!). Now I'm very excited to pick my bike up and try to ride everyday. I have to admit, I'm a bit scareeeeed to go with three other couples (the one gal drives her own, and she's my role model)--I'm most worried about driving into parking lots, gas stations, etc., where manuevering in tight places is still pretty difficult for me. Anyway, we drove from Durango, CO to home in a little under nine hours. Not too bad for about 450 miles. Stopped to eat lunch in Moab, UT. Took off our leathers there, put sunscreen on, but I forgot my legs. I was wearing shorts and burned my knees!! The kitty was sure happy to see us--he won't let us out of his sight now! Tommy watered my flowers and Duane's veggies faithfully, and we have a bunch of green tomatoes and one pepper! Continue our motorcycle antics next weekend, when we go to St.George to pick up mine. We got tickets at Tuacahn for Saturday night (performing CATS), will return on Monday. More later!

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