The Big Bike

The Big Bike
Duane and I at the top of Emmigration Canyon, UT

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I CAN do this!

Besides my inability to sleep well and my upset stomach, today I got what better be the final straw in my stressed out body: an ugly cold sore on my lip! UGHHHHH! But we hit the roads of Las Vegas early, stopped at the "historic" sign on the strip (I had to manuever that median parking, then U-turn out of it----so maybe I winced at my wide turn, but I made it! Ha!). And then we got on I-15 and drove all the way to St. George. We stopped in Mesquite to rest my tired hands (why do my fingers get numb? Duane says it's my death grip!!), but I kept my speed up (well, maybe I slowed on the curves in that canyon...!). We had the kids at the Rally wash our bikes and then put mine in the show--got beat by a fancy, schmanzy new soft tail--was fun, anyway! The rally planners have done a good job putting together events and scenic routes (complete with choices through various national parks and the Grand Canyon). Tomorrow we go through Zion and the Grand Canyon on the way to Page, Arizona, where we'll stay at the base of Lake Powell, Glen Canyon Dam. I'll be able to take great pictures from the back of Duane's bike and certainly not have to worry about going over any cliffs!! (My bike is safe in a garage in St.George, and we'll pick it up on July 3.)

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