The Big Bike

The Big Bike
Duane and I at the top of Emmigration Canyon, UT

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Let's do it again!

We got up early today, so we could enjoy the B & B breakfast and so we could mail home some shirt purchases and dirty clothes (bike space may be limited, but we like to buy shirts from areas we travel). Then we rode up to the mining town of Silverton, and on to the Million Dollar Highway with all the narrow and risky switchbacks. Gorgeous scenery! It began to rain and even hail on the Million Dollar Highway, so we stopped to put on our rain gear, and Duane kept everything under control. I'm not sure I could do all those tight curves--especially those without guard rails and sheer drop offs, and I know the rain would've scared me to death. We had intended to do the entire San Juan Loop, but once at the top, we ate lunch and determined that it would be faster to just do the Million Dollar Highway and all the sharp switchbacks one more time, rather than go down the mountain the long way. So we did it again, sans rain this time!! This country is very beautiful, and we've enjoyed the rides! Tomorrow we head for home via Moab. And so next weekend, over the fourth, we'll go back to St. George to pick up my bike. Have invited some friends, so I'll get experience riding with a few other bikers.

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