The Big Bike

The Big Bike
Duane and I at the top of Emmigration Canyon, UT

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Sleepless to Africa

So there must be something about Harleys 'n Huntin'! Our flight out of Dulles to Johannesburg was full of hunters, and several around us also ride. Must be the redneck mentality--ha! 'Course I almost got lynched when I voiced my Democrat learnings! Our flight seemed endless. After 7 hours, we stopped in Dakar, Senegal to refuel. From Dakar to Jo-burg was another 8. I thought I was being so smart to "borrow" several ebooks to put on my mini computer, but I ran out of juice after 2 hours, so now I'm desperate for reading materials. Have to buy a couple of paperbacks somewhere!
It's probably Murphy's Law that worrying about something will surely cause it. So as I was the only one concerned about checking my bag, of course it was my bag that didn't show up in Jo-burg. After waiting for an eternity I headed for the baggage question desk. While waiting for my turn to give a local address I noticed a pile of bags nearby. I continued to stare at the pile until it dawned on me that my bag was in that pile. So I left the line and wandered over there. Sure enough, my bag was there--in the pile of unclaimed baggage!
We got through customs check, gun pick-up, and money exchange very quickly and loaded into a van for a LONG 4 hour drive up to camp. It is in Limpopo Province, between the towns of Baltimore (!!) and Tolwe, near the Botswana border. More about camp tomorrow....

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